In Italian: "Ipotesi sulla Realtà".
Science, while exploring the fundamental levels of reality,
is discovering the "Unified Field", which in modern theories of
physics is the basal entity of the universe and gives rise
to any manifestation in nature. At its level matter has lost mechanical
properties and has vanished in floating fields of energy.
Since human mind also belongs to reality, obviously it must have
correlations with fundamental physics somehow, and therefore to
the Unified Field. But any connection in this direction
has been conditioned so far, or even obstructed, by "objectivation",
on which both science and western mentality are based, and which
neglects the crucial importance of human awareness.
The aim of this of this site and of this book is to expose
(in a simple way) and to interpret the charming knowledges of modern
physics about the nature of reality, and to support, on such bases
and through other valid argumentations, the hypothesis that consciousness is a
property that derives directly from the Unifed Field - and therefore
it holds an essential importance in natural reality -. If this
is true, the role of man in the universe and his potentiality
would be revalued in a huge measure.
This hypothesis may appear daring and even unusual, but this is
because in the western typical impersonal image of reality, due to
objectivation, conscious man seems to be an intruder more than
the natural expression of the evolution of the universe.
The subject is dealt with an extreme caution, through
an attentive and complete analysis of its different aspects
- physical, biological, psychological, philosophical and
(marginally) even religious -. This work considers the convinctions
of the main physicists of the century, such as Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg,
Schrödinger, and particular visions of other
scientists, such as Jung, Bohm, Capra, and expecially Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
both a physicist and an Indian Master, who is well known for his teachings
(of great practical value) about consciousness.
The depth of the analysis does not prejudice the clearness and
the simplicity of the exposition.
For more informations (in English) about Maharishi's techniques:
Ipotesi sulla realtà